Mumbai, Aug 22 (PTI) Snapping a four-day losing streak, the BSE benchmark Sensex today surged 407 points, the biggest daily jump in nearly 2 months, on value-buying in bluechips led by the metal sector, amid robust China manufacturing data and a positive trend in European markets.
The Sensex, which had tumbled over 1,400 points in past four trading sessions, fell to 17,759.59 at the outset but bounced back by 407.03 points, or 2.27 per cent, to end at 18,312.94.
*Source PTI
The Sensex, which had tumbled over 1,400 points in past four trading sessions, fell to 17,759.59 at the outset but bounced back by 407.03 points, or 2.27 per cent, to end at 18,312.94.
*Source PTI